USA IMO team. Introductory problems 1-10

USA IMO team. Introductory problems 1-10

  1. Let a, b and c be real and positive parameters. Solve the equation \sqrt{a+bx}+\sqrt{b+cx}+\sqrt{c+ax}=\sqrt{b-ax}+\sqrt{c-bx}+\sqrt{a-cx}
  2. Find the general term of the sequance defined by x_{0}=3, x_{1}=4 and x_{n+1}=x_{n-1}^2-nx_{n} for all n \in N.
  3. Let x_1, x_2, ..., x_n be a sequence of integers such that -1\le x_i \le 2, for  i = 1, 2, ..., nx_1+...+x_n = 19x_{1}^2+...+x_{n}^2=99. Determine the minimum and maximum possible values of  x_{1}^3+...+x_{n}^3.
  4. The function f, defined by f(x)=\frac{ax+b}{cx+d}, where a, b, c and d are nonzero real numbers, has the properties f(19)=19, f(97)=97 , and f(f(x))=x for all values of x, except -\frac{d}{c}. Find the range of f .
  5. Prove that \frac{(a-b)^2}{8a}\le\frac{a+b}{2}-\sqrt{ab}\le\frac{(a-b)^2}{8b} for all 0<b\le a.
  6. Several (at least two) nonzero numbers are written on a board. One may erase any two numbers, say a and b, and then write the numbers a+\frac{b}{2} and b-\frac{a}{2} instead. Prove that the set of numbers on the board, after any number of the preceding operations, cannot coincide with the initial set.
  7. The polynomial 1-x+x^2-x^3+...+x^{16}-x^{17} may be written in the form a_{0}+a_{1}y+a_{2}y^2+...+a_{16}y^{16}+a_{17}y^{17}, where y=x+1 and a_{i}s are constants. Find a_2
  8. Let a, b, and c be distinct nonzero real numbers such that a+\displaystyle\frac{1}{b}=b+\displaystyle\frac{1}{c}=c+\displaystyle\frac{1}{a}. Find abc.
  9. Find polynomials f(x), g(x), and h(x), if they exist, such that for all x, |f(x)|-|g(x)|+h(x)=-1, if x<-1, = 3x+2, if -1\le x\le 0=-2x+2, if x>0
  10. Find all real numbers x for which \displaystyle\frac{8^{x}+27^{x}}{12^{x}+18^{x}}=\frac{7}{6}

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